Monday, June 15, 2009

Cramps,Rafting, and Cookies

In my family people tend to get muscle cramps quit often. By muscle cramps I don't mean something that causes a little pain for a moment and then goes away. The kind of muscle cramps we get cause pain that can last for hours. When the cramps first hit we tend to scream so loud that the people around us stop everything they are doing to see what is happening. Since I have been at camp I have experience several of these. For some reason they have all taken place on the river. The first few times I was on a river I experienced mild foot cramps. They weren't bad, but not good to have when trying to guide through a white water rapid. Then yesterday I went tubing with the group that is here. We went down the river four times and in the process I got two leg cramps and two foot cramps. These were not so mild! I screamed bloody murder and the people that were with me just laughed. I am sure if I was them I would have too. While I was stuck on a rock, trying to push myself off, I experienced one of the worst leg cramps I have ever had. I stuck my leg straight up in the air and just screamed. I tried for several minutes to work it out, but when you can't stand up because if you do the water will rush you downstream, it is kind of hard. I did end up getting the cramp out and getting myself off of the rock, but the tightness the cramp caused stayed in my leg for several hours. Needless to say I ate a banana and yogurt with lots of potassium for breakfast this morning.

Today I offically guided my first white water rafting boat...with a little help from Bill, of course. No one died and no one fell out. I take that back. The leader of the group actually did fall out, but it was all him. It had nothing to do with me. All in all I think it was a successful trip. I am nervous about guiding on my own and I have a lot to learn for sure, but I am really excited about it!

Another cool thing that happened today was that I recieved a package in the mail from some great friends. Billy, Megan, and Gabe sent me cookies and a picture Gabe drew. It was so sweet and brightened my day a whole lot. I am so thankful for the great friends that I have been given.


  1. I remember when I was at camp I always thought the people who got to guide were so cool.. now you get to have younger people think untrue things about you too... haha just kidding!

  2. Lol... sorry, just laughing at Collin's comment. Sorry you had cramps. Hope the banana and yogurt helped. We miss you. Sounds like you're having a great time though. Blessings.

  3. Great news about being a guide. Don't be can do it!

    Try some Gatorade. I realize you probably are not dehydrated, however, think about the amount of H2O you are drinking versus the amount of sweating you are doing.

